Crate strider [] [src]

useful for stepping (variable step) a window (variable size) through a streaming (possibly infinite) series of values while avoiding unnecessary memory allocations

this is needed for the short-time fourier transform and other data/signal processing methods.

to use add strider = "0.1.0" to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml and extern crate strider; in your code.

a little example program that reads from stdin while never using without any heap allocations after the initial ones

use std::io;

extern crate strider;

let window_size: usize = 4096;
let step_size: usize = 512;

let mut ring = strider::SliceRingImpl::<i32>::new();
let mut window_buf = Vec::<i32>::new();

fn main() {
    loop {
        let input_count =;
        let is_end_of_file = input_count == 0;
        if is_end_of_file { break; }
        assert!(input_count % 2 == 0);
        let sample_count = input_count / 2;

        // whenever enough samples have accumulated you can read from it
        while window_size <= ring.len() {
            ring.read_many_front(&mut window_buf[..]);


these operations read from and writes to buffers that you control.


strider::SliceRing is implemented by std::collections::VecDeque and strider::SliceRingImpl. strider::SliceRingImpl is an optimized implementation of strider::SliceRing that is 2 to 6 times faster than the implementation using std::collections::VecDeque. see the benchmarks.

two backing buffer types: one simple for illustration one optimized for performance benchmarked against each other

often you want to do deque operations on multiple values at once. operations implemented on std::collections::VecDeque as well as an optimized implementation.

windowing the equivalent of 1 minute of 44100 hz audio samples with a window_size of 1024 and step_size of 512 only takes a few (6) milliseconds and constant memory of about

this is probably what you want

sliding-window uses a std::collections::VecDeque under the hood.

will double in size only when full.

for the common case this allocates memory once, maybe twice and is done with it.



optimized for and restricted to working on multiple things at once. which it can do faster.

performance is relative. so instead of claiming that this is fast, we'll instead prove that it is much faster than a naive implementation building on std::collections::VecDeque.

reads integers from stdin and without any memory allocations (past the initial).



macro containing a test run that is used to test and benchmark different implementations of the SliceRing trait



readable area starts at first_readable and goes until next_writable. next_writable is one after the last readable and not readable.



ringbuffer operations on slices