Crate stm32l4_hal

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STM32L4 HAL implementation

NOTE: This HAL implementation is under active development (as is the underlying embedded_hal itself, together with its traits, some of which are unproven). We follow the HAL implementation in and pull in individual devices behind features - the goal is for this implementation to become ubiquitous for the STM32L4 family of devices (well-tested, feature-complete, well-documented). However! At this time, actual testing has only been performed for the STM32L432KC microcontroller. Participation is of course very welcome!


pub use embedded_hal as hal;
pub use stm32l4;


Date and timer units & helper functions
Direct Memory Access Engine
Flash memory
General Purpose Input / Output
Prelude - Include traits for hal
Power management
Reset and Clock Control
RTC peripheral abstraction
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus
Time units
Touch sense controller


Macro to override a device specific interrupt handler