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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

This module implements the embedded-hal traits for master mode SPI.


In the simplest case, SPI can be initialised from the device peripheral and the GPIO pins.

use stm32h7xx_hal::spi;

let dp = ...;                   // Device peripherals
let (sck, miso, mosi) = ...;    // GPIO pins

let spi = dp.SPI1.spi((sck, miso, mosi), spi::MODE_0, 1.MHz(), ccdr.peripheral.SPI1, &ccdr.clocks);

The GPIO pins should be supplied as a tuple in the following order:

  • Serial Clock (SCK)
  • Master In Slave Out (MISO)
  • Master Out Slave In (MOSI)

If one of the pins is not required, explicitly pass one of the filler types instead:

let spi = dp.SPI1.spi((sck, spi::NoMiso, mosi), spi::MODE_0, 1.MHz(), ccdr.peripheral.SPI1, &ccdr.clocks);

Word Sizes

The word size used by the SPI controller must be indicated to the compiler. This can be done either using an explicit type annotation, or with a type hint. The possible word sizes are 8 bits (u8) or 16 bits (u16).

For example, an explict type annotation:

let _: spi:Spi<_, _, u8> = dp.SPI1.spi((sck, spi::NoMiso, mosi), spi::MODE_0, 1.MHz(), ccdr.peripheral.SPI1, &ccdr.clocks);


The bitrate calculation is based upon the clock currently assigned in the RCC CCIP register. The default assignments are:

  • SPI1, SPI2, SPI3: PLL1 Q CK
  • SPI4, SPI5: APB
  • SPI6: PCLK4



A structure for specifying SPI configuration.

Disabled SPI peripheral (type state)

Enabled SPI peripheral (type state)

Object containing the settings for the hardware chip select pin

SPI mode

A filler type for when the Miso pin is unnecessary

A filler type for when the Mosi pin is unnecessary

A filler type for when the SCK pin is unnecessary


Specifies the communication mode of the SPI interface.

SPI error

Interrupt events

Clock phase

Clock polarity


Helper for CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0

Helper for CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1

Helper for CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0

Helper for CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1
