Type Definition stm32g0::stm32g0c1::usb::chep6r::VTRX_W

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pub type VTRX_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, CHEP6R_SPEC, bool, O>;
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Field VTRX writer - USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the VTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STRX field of this register. One naked transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the Host at the next frame, or the Host can immediately retry by resetting STRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect.