pub type EPKIND_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, CHEP4R_SPEC, bool, O>;
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Field EPKIND writer - endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the EP_TYPE bits. summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Double-buffered endpoints. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered ’STALL’ instead of ’ACK’. This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required.