Type Definition stm32g0::stm32g0c1::tim1::dcr::DBL_W

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pub type DBL_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriter<'a, u32, DCR_SPEC, u8, u8, 5, O>;
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Field DBL writer - DMA burst length This 5-bit vector defines the length of DMA transfers (the timer recognizes a burst transfer when a read or a write access is done to the TIMx_DMAR address), i.e. the number of transfers. Transfers can be in half-words or in bytes (see example below). … Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 bytes & DBA = TIMx_CR1. If DBL = 7 bytes and DBA = TIMx_CR1 represents the address of the byte to be transferred, the address of the transfer should be given by the following equation: (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA + (DMA index), where DMA index = DBL In this example, 7 bytes are added to (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA, which gives us the address from/to which the data is copied. In this case, the transfer is done to 7 registers starting from the following address: (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA According to the configuration of the DMA Data Size, several cases may occur: If the DMA Data Size is configured in half-words, 16-bit data is transferred to each of the 7 registers. If the DMA Data Size is configured in bytes, the data is also transferred to 7 registers: the first register contains the first MSB byte, the second register, the first LSB byte and so on. So with the transfer Timer, one also has to specify the size of data transferred by DMA.