pub type UE_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, CR1_FIFO_DISABLED_SPEC, bool, O>;
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Field UE writer - USART enable When this bit is cleared, the USART prescalers and outputs are stopped immediately, and all current operations are discarded. The USART configuration is kept, but all the USART_ISR status flags are reset. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: To enter low-power mode without generating errors on the line, the TE bit must be previously reset and the software must wait for the TC bit in the USART_ISR to be set before resetting the UE bit. The DMA requests are also reset when UE = 0 so the DMA channel must be disabled before resetting the UE bit. In Smartcard mode, (SCEN = 1), the SCLK is always available when CLKEN = 1, regardless of the UE bit value.