Expand description

Status register


Register SR reader

Status register

Type Definitions

Field PVU reader - Watchdog prescaler value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the prescaler value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the prescaler update operation is completed in the VDD voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Prescaler value can be updated only when PVU bit is reset.

Field RVU reader - Watchdog counter reload value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the reload value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the reload value update operation is completed in the VDD voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Reload value can be updated only when RVU bit is reset.

Field WVU reader - Watchdog counter window value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the window value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the reload value update operation is completed in the VDD voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Window value can be updated only when WVU bit is reset.