Module stm32g0::stm32g0b0::tim3::tisel[][src]

Expand description

TIM alternate function option register 1


Register TISEL reader

Field TI1SEL reader - TI1[0] to TI1[15] input selection These bits select the TI1[0] to TI1[15] input source. Others: Reserved

Field TI1SEL writer - TI1[0] to TI1[15] input selection These bits select the TI1[0] to TI1[15] input source. Others: Reserved

Field TI2SEL reader - TI2[0] to TI2[15] input selection These bits select the TI2[0] to TI2[15] input source. Others: Reserved

Field TI2SEL writer - TI2[0] to TI2[15] input selection These bits select the TI2[0] to TI2[15] input source. Others: Reserved

TIM alternate function option register 1

Register TISEL writer


TI1[0] to TI1[15] input selection These bits select the TI1[0] to TI1[15] input source. Others: Reserved

TI2[0] to TI2[15] input selection These bits select the TI2[0] to TI2[15] input source. Others: Reserved