Module stm32f4xx_hal::rng[][src]

Expand description

Hardware random number generator.

The build in random number generator (RNG) of an STM32F4 uses analog noise to proved random 32-bit values.


  • It takes 40 periods of RNG_CLK to generate a new random value.
  • The RNG requires the PLL48_CLK to be active (more details)

For more details, see reference manual chapter 24.

Minimal working example:

let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
let clocks = rcc.cfgr.require_pll48clk().freeze();
let mut rand_source = dp.RNG.constrain(clocks);
let rand_val = rand_source.next_u32();

A full exaple can be found in the examples folder on github


Random number provider which provides access to all rand_core::RngCore functions.


Random number generator specific errors


Helper trait to implement the constrain method for the RNG peripheral which is how the Rng struct is created.