[][src]Module stm32f3xx_hal_v2::low_power

This module contains code used to place the STM32F3 in low power modes. Reference section 3.7: Power management of the user manual, and more importantly, 7.3: Low-power modes of reference manual.



Enter Sleep now mode: the lightest of the 3 low-power states avail on the STM32f3. TO exit: Interrupt. Refer to Table 82. Ref man, table 18.


Ref man, table 19.


Enter Standby mode: the lowest-power of the 3 low-power states avail on the STM32f3. To exit: WKUP pin rising edge, RTC alarm event’s rising edge, external Reset in NRST pin, IWDG Reset. Ref man, table 21.


Enter Stop mode: the middle of the 3 low-power states avail on the STM32f3. To exit: Any EXTI Line configured in Interrupt mode (the corresponding EXTI Interrupt vector must be enabled in the NVIC). Refer to Table 82. Ref man, table 20.