Type Alias stm32_hal2::pac::sdmmc1::cmdr::CMDSUSPEND_W

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pub type CMDSUSPEND_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriterRaw<'a, u32, CMDR_SPEC, bool, BitM, O>;
Expand description

Field CMDSUSPEND writer - The CPSM treats the command as a Suspend or Resume command and signals interrupt period start/end. This bit can only be written by firmware when CPSM is disabled (CPSMEN = 0). CMDSUSPEND = 1 and CMDTRANS = 0 Suspend command, start interrupt period when response bit BS=0. CMDSUSPEND = 1 and CMDTRANS = 1 Resume command with data, end interrupt period when response bit DF=1.

Aliased Type§

struct CMDSUSPEND_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }