Module stm32_hal2::pac::i2c1::timingr

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Access: No wait states


  • Register TIMINGR reader
  • Access: No wait states
  • Register TIMINGR writer

Type Aliases§

  • Field PRESC reader - Timing prescaler This field is used to prescale I2CCLK in order to generate the clock period tPRESC used for data setup and hold counters (refer to I2C timings on page9) and for SCL high and low level counters (refer to I2C master initialization on page24). tPRESC = (PRESC+1) x tI2CCLK
  • Field PRESC writer - Timing prescaler This field is used to prescale I2CCLK in order to generate the clock period tPRESC used for data setup and hold counters (refer to I2C timings on page9) and for SCL high and low level counters (refer to I2C master initialization on page24). tPRESC = (PRESC+1) x tI2CCLK
  • Field SCLDEL reader - Data setup time This field is used to generate a delay tSCLDEL between SDA edge and SCL rising edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during tSCLDEL. tSCLDEL = (SCLDEL+1) x tPRESC Note: tSCLDEL is used to generate tSU:DAT timing.
  • Field SCLDEL writer - Data setup time This field is used to generate a delay tSCLDEL between SDA edge and SCL rising edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during tSCLDEL. tSCLDEL = (SCLDEL+1) x tPRESC Note: tSCLDEL is used to generate tSU:DAT timing.
  • Field SCLH reader - SCL high period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL high period in master mode. tSCLH = (SCLH+1) x tPRESC Note: SCLH is also used to generate tSU:STO and tHD:STA timing.
  • Field SCLH writer - SCL high period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL high period in master mode. tSCLH = (SCLH+1) x tPRESC Note: SCLH is also used to generate tSU:STO and tHD:STA timing.
  • Field SCLL reader - SCL low period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL low period in master mode. tSCLL = (SCLL+1) x tPRESC Note: SCLL is also used to generate tBUF and tSU:STA timings.
  • Field SCLL writer - SCL low period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL low period in master mode. tSCLL = (SCLL+1) x tPRESC Note: SCLL is also used to generate tBUF and tSU:STA timings.
  • Field SDADEL reader - Data hold time This field is used to generate the delay tSDADEL between SCL falling edge and SDA edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during tSDADEL. tSDADEL= SDADEL x tPRESC Note: SDADEL is used to generate tHD:DAT timing.
  • Field SDADEL writer - Data hold time This field is used to generate the delay tSDADEL between SCL falling edge and SDA edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during tSDADEL. tSDADEL= SDADEL x tPRESC Note: SDADEL is used to generate tHD:DAT timing.