Module stm32_hal2::gpio

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This module provides functionality for General Purpose Input and Output (GPIO) pins, including all GPIOx register functions. It also configures GPIO interrupts using SYSCFG and EXTI registers as appropriate.


Represents a single GPIO pin. Allows configuration, and reading/setting state.


Values for GPIOx_LCKR.
The pulse edge used to trigger interrupts. Either rising, falling, or either.
Values for GPIOx_OSPEEDR. This configures I/O output speed. See the user manual for your MCU for what speeds these are. Note that Fast speed (0b10) is not available on all STM32 families.
Values for GPIOx_OTYPER.
Values for GPIOx_MODER. Sets pin to input, output, and other functionality.
Values for GPIOx_IDR and GPIOx_ODR.
GPIO port letter
Values for GPIOx_PUPDR. Sets if the pin uses the internal pull-up or pull-down
Values for GPIOx_BRR.


Clear an EXTI interrupt, lines 0 - 15. Note that this function currently doesn’t support higher extis, but will work for all GPIO interrupts.
Check if a pin’s input voltage is high. Reads from the IDR register. Does not require a Pin struct.
Check if a pin’s input voltage is low. Reads from the IDR register. Does not require a Pin struct.
Read a series of words from the IDR register.
Set a pin’s output voltage to high. Sets the BSRR register. Atomic. Does not require a Pin struct.
Set a pin’s output voltage to low. Sets the BSRR register. Atomic. Does not require a Pin struct.
Set a pin state (ie set high or low output voltage level). See also set_high() and set_low(). Sets the BSRR register. Atomic. Does not require a Pin struct.
Write a series of words to the BSRR (atomic output) register. Note that these are direct writes to the full, 2-sided register - not a series of low/high values.