Macro stilo::stylize_many

source ·
macro_rules! stylize_many {
            $text: literal
                $( $color: ident )?
                $( + $decor: ident )*
                $( if $condition: expr )?
            $(, $arg: expr )* $(,)?
        );* $(;)?
    ) => { ... };
            $text: literal
                $( $style: block )?
                $( if $condition: expr )?
            $(, $arg: expr )* $(,)?
        );* $(;)?
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Stylize many strings individually, and concatenate.

Similar: println_styles!

For each argument, creates a Style struct and format text.

Separate arguments with a semicolon. New lines will not be added between arguments.

Each argument is used the same as the stylize! macro.


let world = "World!";

// `println_styles!` would also work in this example
println!("{}", stylize_many!(
    // Red
    "Hello\n": Red;
    // Red, italic, and bold
    "Hello\n": Red + italic + bold;
    // Default color, italic and bold
    "Hello\n": +i+b;
    // Format string
    "Hello {}": Green + i+b, world;