Crate steward

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Task runner and process manager for Rust.

If you’re not happy managing your infrastructure with a pile of shell scripts, this crate might be helpful. It provides base building blocks for defining and running various kinds of tasks. It’s like foreman but more low-level, with Rust API and more flexibility & features.

Works great with clap!


Check out runnable examples on GitHub: steward/examples.

extern crate steward;

use steward::{Cmd, Env, ProcessPool, Process};

async fn main() -> steward::Result<()> {

    ProcessPool::run(vec![client::watcher(), server::watcher()]).await?;


mod server {
    fn build_cmd() -> Cmd {
        cmd! {
          "cargo build",
          env: Env::empty(),
          pwd: Loc::root(),
          msg: "Building a server",

    fn watcher() -> Process {
        process! {
          tag: "server",
          cmd: cmd! {
            "cargo watch",
            env: Env::empty(),
            pwd: Loc::root(),
            msg: "Running a reloadable server",

mod client {
    fn build_cmd() -> Cmd {
        cmd! {
          "npm build",
          env: Env::empty(),
          pwd: Loc::root(),
          msg: "Building a client",

    fn watcher() -> Process {
        process! {
          tag: "client",
          cmd: cmd! {
            "npm watch",
            env: Env::empty(),
            pwd: Loc::root(),
            msg: "Watching a client",



Apparently, Windows build is broken on recent versions of Rust due to winapi being unmaintained. We need to migrate to windows-rs, but I don’t know anything about Windows, so help is very welcome!

§Async runtimes

Tokio only.



  • Base building block of the crate.
  • Dependant processes.
  • Command environment.
  • File system related types.
  • Network related types.
  • Long running processes.
  • Result and Error types of this crate.


  • Convenience macro for creating a Cmd.
  • Formats a headline that gets printed to console when running a command.
  • Convenience macro for creating a Process.



  • A location of file or directory of a project.


  • A function that prints a headline of a task and runs the task (Fn).
  • A function that prints a headline of a task and runs the task (FnMut).
  • A function that prints a headline of a task and runs the task (FnOnce).