Function steam_audio::ffi::iplLoadProbeBox [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn iplLoadProbeBox(
    context: IPLhandle,
    data: *mut IPLbyte,
    size: IPLint32,
    probeBox: *mut IPLhandle
) -> IPLerror

Deserializes a Probe Box object from a byte array. This is typically called by the game engine's editor when loading a Probe Box object from disk.

\param context Handle to the Context object used by the game engine. \param data Byte array containing the serialized representation of the Probe Box object. Must not be \c NULL. \param size Size (in bytes) of the serialized data. \param probeBox [out] Handle to the created Probe Box object.

\return Status code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.