Function steam_audio::ffi::iplDumpSceneToObjFile [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn iplDumpSceneToObjFile(
    scene: IPLhandle,
    fileBaseName: IPLstring
) -> IPLvoid

Saves a Scene object to an OBJ file. An OBJ file is a widely-supported 3D model file format, that can be displayed using a variety of software on most PC platforms. The OBJ file generated by this function can be useful for detecting problems that occur when exporting scene data from the game engine to Phonon. The \c ::iplFinalizeScene function must have been called on the Scene object before calling this function. This function can only be called on a Scene object that has been created using the Phonon built-in ray tracer.

\param scene Handle to the Scene object. \param fileBaseName Absolute or relative path to the OBJ file to generate.