Function steam_audio::ffi::iplCreateStaticMesh [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn iplCreateStaticMesh(
    scene: IPLhandle,
    numVertices: IPLint32,
    numTriangles: IPLint32,
    staticMesh: *mut IPLhandle
) -> IPLerror

Creates a Static Mesh object. A Static Mesh object represents a triangle mesh that does not change after it is created. A Static Mesh object also contains a mapping between each of its triangles and their acoustic material properties. Static Mesh objects should be used for scene geometry that is guaranteed to never change, such as rooms, buildings, or triangulated terrain. A Scene object may contain multiple Static Mesh objects, although typically one is sufficient.

\param scene Handle to the Scene object to which to add the Static Mesh object. \param numVertices Number of vertices in the triangle mesh. \param numTriangles Number of triangles in the triangle mesh. \param staticMesh [out] Handle to the created Static Mesh object.

\return Status code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.