Function steam_audio::ffi::iplCreateConvolutionEffect [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn iplCreateConvolutionEffect(
    renderer: IPLhandle,
    identifier: IPLBakedDataIdentifier,
    simulationType: IPLSimulationType,
    inputFormat: IPLAudioFormat,
    outputFormat: IPLAudioFormat,
    effect: *mut IPLhandle
) -> IPLerror

Creates a Convolution Effect object.

\param renderer Handle to an Environmental Renderer object. \param identifier Unique identifier of the corresponding source, as defined in the baked data exported by the game engine. Each Convolution Effect object may have an identifier, which is used only if the Environment object provided by the game engine uses baked data for sound propagation. If so, the identifier of the Convolution Effect is used to look up the appropriate information from the baked data. Multiple Convolution Effect objects may be created with the same identifier; in that case they will use the same baked data. \param simulationType Whether this Convolution Effect object should use baked data or real-time simulation. \param inputFormat Format of all audio buffers passed as input to \c ::iplSetDryAudioForConvolutionEffect. \param outputFormat Format of all output audio buffers passed to \c ::iplGetWetAudioForConvolutionEffect. \param effect [out] Handle to the created Convolution Effect object.

\return Status code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.