Trait stdweb::web::IElement [] [src]

pub trait IElement: INode + IParentNode {
    fn class_list(&self) -> TokenList { ... }
fn has_attribute(&self, name: &str) -> bool { ... }
fn get_attribute(&self, name: &str) -> Option<String> { ... }
fn set_attribute(
        name: &str,
        value: &str
    ) -> Result<(), InvalidCharacterError> { ... }
fn scroll_top(&self) -> f64 { ... }
fn set_scroll_top(&self, value: f64) { ... }
fn scroll_left(&self) -> f64 { ... }
fn set_scroll_left(&self, value: f64) { ... }
fn get_attribute_names(&self) -> Vec<String> { ... }
fn remove_attribute(&self, name: &str) { ... }
fn has_attributes(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn set_pointer_capture(
        pointer_id: i32
    ) -> Result<(), InvalidPointerId> { ... }
fn release_pointer_capture(
        pointer_id: i32
    ) -> Result<(), InvalidPointerId> { ... }
fn has_pointer_capture(&self, pointer_id: i32) -> bool { ... } }

The IElement interface represents an object of a Document. This interface describes methods and properties common to all kinds of elements.

(JavaScript docs)

Provided Methods

The Element.classList is a read-only property which returns a live TokenList collection of the class attributes of the element.

(JavaScript docs)

The Element.hasAttribute() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not.

(JavaScript docs)

Element.getAttribute() returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string);

(Javascript docs)

Sets the value of an attribute on the specified element. If the attribute already exists, the value is updated; otherwise a new attribute is added with the specified name and value.

(Javascript docs)

Gets the the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled vertically.

(Javascript docs)

Sets the the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled vertically.

(Javascript docs)

Gets the the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left.

(Javascript docs)

Sets the the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left.

(Javascript docs)

Element.getAttributeNames() returns the attribute names of the element as an Array of strings. If the element has no attributes it returns an empty array.

(Javascript docs)

Element.removeAttribute removes an attribute from the specified element.

(Javascript docs)

The Element.hasAttributes() method returns Boolean value, indicating if the current element has any attributes or not.

(Javascript docs)

Designates a specific element as the capture target of future pointer events.

(JavaScript docs)

Releases pointer capture that was previously set for a specific pointer

(JavaScript docs)

Returns a boolean indicating if the element has captured the specified pointer

(JavaScript docs)
