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Tools to manipulate strings.

Module :: strs_tools

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Tools to manipulate strings.


#[ cfg( all( feature = "split", feature = "use_std" ) ) ]
  /* delimeter exists */
  let src = "abc def";
  let iter = strs_tools::string::split()
  .src( src )
  .delimeter( " " )
  .stripping( false )
  let iterated = iter.map( | e | String::from( e ) ).collect::< Vec< _ > >();
  assert_eq!( iterated, vec![ "abc", " ", "def" ] );

  /* delimeter not exists */
  let src = "abc def";
  let iter = strs_tools::string::split()
  .src( src )
  .delimeter( "g" )
  let iterated = iter.map( | e | String::from( e ) ).collect::< Vec< _ > >();
  assert_eq!( iterated, vec![ "abc def" ] );

To add to your project

cargo add strs_tools

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/wstring_tools_trivial
cargo run


Exposed namespace of the module.

Parented namespace of the module.

Namespace of the module to include with use module::*.

Protected namespace of the module.

String tools.


Adapter for IsolateOptions.

Adapter for ParseOptions.

Adapter for Split Options.


Add indentation to each line.

Function to split a string with some delimeter.

Function to split a string with some delimeter. Routine splits string from left.

Function to split a string with some delimeter. Routine splits string from right.

Function to parse a string with command request.

Function to split a string.