Expand description

Interval adapter for both open/closed implementations of intervals ( ranges ).

Module :: winterval

experimental rust-status docs.rs discord

Interval adapter for both open/closed implementations of intervals ( ranges ).


#[ cfg( feature = "use_std" ) ]
  use winterval::*;

  let src = 2..5;
  assert_eq!( src.closed(), ( 2, 4 ) );

  let src = 2..=4;
  assert_eq!( src.closed(), ( 2, 4 ) );

To add to your project

cargo add winterval

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/winterval_trivial
cargo run


Exposed namespace of the module.

Parented namespace of the module.

Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.

Protected namespace of the module.


Alternative implementation of interval.


Interval adapter. Interface to interval-like structures.