Expand description

Exposed namespace of the module.


Generate code only if feature::make is enabled.

Type constructor of many.

Pair type constructor.

Type constructor of single.

Alias of Vec for internal usage.

Variadic constructor.

Type constructor to define tuple wrapping a given type.


Type constructor to wrap pair of the same type.

Type constructor to wrap a vector.

Type constructor to wrap two types into a tuple.

Type constructor to wrap a another type into a tuple.

A contiguous growable array type, written as Vec<T>, short for ‘vector’.


Reinterpret as array.

Reinterpret as slice.

Reinterpret as tuple.

Clone as array.

Clone as tuple.

Constructor without arguments.

Constructor with single argument.

Constructor with two arguments.

Constructor with three arguments.

Implementation of trait From to vectorize into/from.

Implementation of trait Into to vectorize into/from.