[][src]Macro staticvec::sortedstaticvec

macro_rules! sortedstaticvec {
    (@put_one $val:expr) => { ... };
    ($type: ty, [$($val:expr),* $(,)*]) => { ... };

Accepts an array of any primitive Copy type that has a PartialOrd implementation, sorts it, and creates a new StaticVec instance from the result in a fully const context compatible manner.

Example usage:

#![feature(const_fn, const_if_match, const_loop)]
// Currently, it's necessary to have the type specified in the macro itself.
static V: StaticVec<f64, 3> = sortedstaticvec!(f64, [16.0, 15.0, 14.0]);
assert_eq!(V, [14.0, 15.0, 16.0]);
assert_eq!(V.reversed().drain(0..1), [16.0]);
static VV: StaticVec<f64, 0> = sortedstaticvec!(f64, []);
assert_eq!(VV, []);