
Async version of the Rust standard library



Helper for create name alias

Specification of a table column

A table definition inside a WITH clause (WithClause).

Represents the value of an Condition::any or Condition::all: a set of disjunctive or conjunctive conditions.

For recursive WithQuery WithClauses the CYCLE sql clause can be specified to avoid creating an infinite traversals that loops on graph cycles indefinitely. You specify an expression that identifies a node in the graph and that will be used to determine during the iteration of the execution of the query when appending of new values whether the new values are distinct new nodes or are already visited and therefore they should be added again into the result.

Delete existing rows from the table

Helper to build a SimpleExpr.

Shorthand for constructing any foreign key statement

Create a foreign key constraint for an existing table. Unsupported by Sqlite

Drop a foreign key constraint for an existing table

Function call helper.

Shorthand for constructing any index statement

Create an index for an existing table

Drop an index for an existing table

Insert any new rows into an existing table

Join expression used in select statement

Mysql query builder.

Null Alias

Order expression

Function call helper.

Postgres query builder.

Shorthand for constructing any table query

Helper struct for writing migration scripts in migration file

A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.

For recursive WithQuery WithClauses the traversing order can be specified in some databases that support this functionality.

Select expression used in select statement

Select rows from an existing table

Sqlite query builder.

Helper for constructing any table statement

Alter a table

Create a table

Drop a table

Specification of a foreign key

Specification of a table index

Rename a table

Update existing rows in the table

A WITH clause can contain one or multiple common table expressions (CommonTableExpression).

A WITH query. A simple SQL query that has a WITH clause (WithClause).


Binary operator

Column references

All column specification keywords

All column types

Represents anything that can be passed to an Condition::any or Condition::all’s Condition::add method.

An error from unsuccessful database operations

Foreign key on update & on delete actions

All available types of foreign key statement


All available types of index statement

Specification of a table index

Join on types

Join types

Common SQL Keywords

List of lock types that can be used in select statement

Logical chain operator

Nulls order

Ordering options


All available types of table query

For recursive WithQuery WithClauses the traversing order can be specified in some databases that support this functionality.

List of distinct keywords that can be used in select statement

Represents a Simple Expression in SQL.

All available table alter options

All available table drop options

All available table options

All available table partition options

Table references

All available types of table statement

Unary operator

List of union types that can be used in union clause

Value variants



Escape a SQL string literal

Convert value to json value

Unescape a SQL string literal

Type Definitions

Derive Macros