Macro stakker::fail[][src]

macro_rules! fail {
    ($cx:expr, $msg:literal) => { ... };
    ($cx:expr, $fmt:literal $(, $arg:expr)*) => { ... };
    ($cx:expr, $error:expr) => { ... };

Indicate failure of the actor

fail!(cx, "format...", fmt-args...);
fail!(cx, "literal...");
fail!(cx, error);

The first form creates a formatted string using format!, and passes it to Cx::fail_string. The second form passes the given literal directly to Cx::fail_str. The third form passes the given error expression directly to Cx::fail.

As soon as the currently-running actor call finishes, the actor will be terminated. Actor state will be dropped, and any further calls to this actor will be discarded. The termination status is passed back to the StopCause handler provided when the actor was created.