This code was AUTOGENERATED using the kinobi library.
Please DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use visitors
to add features, then rerun kinobi to update it.
This code was AUTOGENERATED using the kinobi library.
Please DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use visitors
to add features, then rerun kinobi to update it.
This code was AUTOGENERATED using the kinobi library.
Please DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use visitors
to add features, then rerun kinobi to update it.
This code was AUTOGENERATED using the kinobi library.
Please DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use visitors
to add features, then rerun kinobi to update it.
This code was AUTOGENERATED using the kinobi library.
Please DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use visitors
to add features, then rerun kinobi to update it.