[][src]Function ssss::gen_shares

pub fn gen_shares(
    config: &SSSSConfig,
    secret: &[u8]
) -> Result<HashMap<u8, Vec<u8>>, Error>

Generate shares based on the num_shares and threshold given in the configuration. Using the default SSSSConfig will generate 5 shares of which 3 are required to unlock the secret.


  • This function will generate an error if secret is empty or larger than max_secret_size in the configuration.
  • This function will generate an error if either num_shares or threshold are 0.
  • This function will generate an error if threshold is greater than num_shares


// Generate 5 shares from the given secret
let secret = "s3(r37".as_bytes();
let mut shares = gen_shares(&SSSSConfig::default(), secret)?;
assert_eq!(shares.len(), 5);

// Remove a couple shares to show 3 will unlock the secret (4 or 5 shares will as well)
let _ = shares.remove(&2);
let _ = shares.remove(&5);
assert_eq!(shares.len(), 3);
let unlocked_secret = unlock(&shares)?;
assert_eq!(secret, unlocked_secret);

// Remove one more to show 2 shares will not unlock the secret
let _ = shares.remove(&1);
assert_eq!(shares.len(), 2);
let who_knows = unlock(&shares)?;
assert_ne!(secret, who_knows);