[][src]Function sss_rs::raw_share::shuffle_share_lists

pub fn shuffle_share_lists<T: Clone>(
    share_lists: Vec<Vec<T>>,
    hashed_pass: &[u8],
    shuffle: ShuffleOp
) -> Vec<Vec<T>>

A wrapper around shuffle_shares which iterates through a list of share lists and shuffles each one in the same way The share lists must be shuffled and unshuffled with the same password, no checking is done to ensure the password is correct. PRECAUTION: Do not attempt to unshuffle without a copy of the original shuffled share lists so if an incorrect password is accidentally entered and that copy is permamently corrupted, the backup can be used to attempt it again. Some measures could also be taken for verification of the unshuffled reconstructed share but that is left up to library users.