[][src]Module sss_rs::sharer



Iterator that iterates over a given Secret, returning smaller segments of it at a time. Returns Option<Result<Vec, Box>> because file reads may fail, and in that case Some(Err(_)) is returned. Iteration can continue, but the behavior is undefined as it may be able to continue reading or may not depending on the initial error. See std::io::Error for possible errors.


Creates shares from a given secret. Shares to any suitable destination that implements Write and has conveinence functions for files. To instantiate, the builder should be used.


The builder struct to give the Sharer struct builder style construction. Defaults: - shares_required: 3 - shares_to_create: 3



Contains the secret, whether in file or in memory stored in a Vec of bytes. This can be used for both sharing and reconstructing. When reconstructing, you can set it to reconstruct into a Vec by setting it to InMemory, or you can set it to output to a file. For sharing, you can input a secret to be shared, either a file or a vec of bytes.

