Module ssi::bbs

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Available on crate feature bbs only.
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BBS curves and BBS+ keypairs

This trait exposes signature and keytype primitives based on BBS+ cryptography.


  • A BLS keypair where the public key can be in either G1 or G2
  • A BLS public key where the public key can be either in G1 or G2
  • A Bls and BBS+ secret key




  • Generate a blinded BLS key pair where secret key x and blinding factor r in Fr and public key W = G1 * x * Blinding_G1 * r
  • Generate a blinded BLS key pair where secret key x and blinding factor r in Fr and public key W = G2 * x * Blinding_G2 * r
  • Generate a BLS key pair where secret key x in Fr and public key W = G1 * x
  • Generate a BLS key pair where secret key x in Fr and public key W = G1 * x