Derive Macro sscanf::FromScanf

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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A derive macro for FromScanf.

For structs

#[sscanf(format = "<format>")] // format string. has to contain placeholders for all
struct MyStruct {              // non-default fields: {<field>}, {<field_2>}, {<field_with_conversion>}

    <field>: <type>, // requires <type>: FromScanf (implemented for all primitive types
                     // and several others from std)

    <field_2>: <type_2>, // requires <type_2>: FromScanf

    // ...

    // possible attributes on fields:

    <field_with_default>: <type>, // requires <type>: Default, but doesn't need FromScanf

    #[sscanf(default = <expression>)] // accepts any expression that returns <type>
    <field_with_custom_default>: <type>, // no traits required.

    #[sscanf(map = |input: <matched_type>| { <conversion from <matched_type> to <actual_type>> })]
    <field_with_conversion>: <actual_type>, // requires <matched_type>: FromScanf

// tuple structs have the same capabilities, just without field names:
#[sscanf(format = "<format>")] // format string references fields by index: {0}, ...
struct MyTupleStruct(<type>, #[sscanf(default)] <type>, ...);


On the struct
  • format: The format string to parse the struct from. Similar to the format string for sscanf, but with field names/indices instead of types for the placeholders. So, if you have a struct with fields a, b and c, the format string could be something like "{a} {b:/.*?/} {c}". All fields that are not annotated with default must appear exactly once in the format string. Indices can be omitted if the fields are in the same order as the placeholders {} in the format string. So, the above example could also be written as "{} {:/.*?/} {}".
  • format_unescaped: Same as format, but allows use of Regex in the format String. See sscanf_unescaped for more information.
  • transparent: If the struct has exactly one field, the struct will be constructed from the field directly. This is useful for newtype structs, where the struct is just a wrapper around another type. The field has to implement FromScanf.

Note that only one of the above attributes can be used on a struct. The format = part can be omitted, so #[sscanf("<format>")] is also valid. In this case, the distinction between format and format_unescaped is made by using a regular string literal for format and a raw string literal (starting with r#" or r#") for format_unescaped.

On the fields
  • default or default = <expression>: Marks the field to be set from a default value rather than the input string. A simple #[sscanf(default)] will set the field to Default::default(). If the field type doesn’t implement Default, the attribute can take an expression that will be evaluated to get the default value. The expression can be any code, including function calls or { <code> } blocks, as long as they can be assigned to the field type.
  • map = |<param>: <type>| <conversion>: Allows matching against a different type than the field type. The map attribute takes a closure that takes the matched type as input and returns the field type. The type of the parameter of the closure has to be explicitly specified, since it is needed to generate the matching code.
  • filter_map = |<param>: <type>| <conversion>: Same as map, but the closure returns an Option instead of the field type. If the closure returns None, the parsing fails.
  • from = <type>: Allows matching against a different type than the field type. The from attribute takes a Type as input, which implements FromScanf and can be converted to the field type using From.
  • try_from = <type>: Same as from, but the conversion can fail. If the conversion fails, the parsing fails.

For enums

enum MyEnum {
    #[sscanf(format = "<format>")] // has to contain `{<field>}` and any other fields
    Variant1 {
        <field>: <type>, // requires <type>: FromScanf

        <field_with_default>: <type2>, // requires <type2>: Default

        // ... (same as for structs)

    #[sscanf("<format>")] // the `format = ` part can be omitted
    Variant2(<type>, #[sscanf(default)] <type2>),

    #[sscanf("<format>")] // variant has no fields => no placeholders in format string

    Variant4, // this variant won't be constructed by sscanf

An enum takes multiple format strings, one for each variant. The value returned from sscanf is constructed from the variant that matched the input. If multiple variants match, the first one in the enum definition is used. No variant matching means the entire enum won’t match.


On the enum
  • autogen = "<case>" or autogenerate = "<case>": Automatically create the format strings for all variants based on the variant names. This only works for variants without fields. The format can be overridden by specifying a format = attribute on the variant. The case parameter can be one of:
    • "CaseSensitive": The variant name is used as-is. Default if no case parameter is specified.
    • "CaseInsensitive": Same as "CaseSensitive", but case is ignored.
    • "lower case": Lower case with spaces between words.
    • "UPPER CASE": Upper case with spaces between words.
    • "lowercase": Lower case, but without spaces.
    • "UPPERCASE": Upper case, but without spaces.
    • "PascalCase"
    • "camelCase"
    • "snake_case"
    • "kebab-case"
On the variants

Same as for structs. If no format string or transparent attribute is specified, the variant won’t be constructed by sscanf. Unless autogen is specified, in which case the format string is generated automatically. To avoid this, add the skip attribute to the variant. skip has no effect without autogen.

A note on Generics

Any lifetime parameters will be carried over. Any type &'a str will contain a borrow of the input string, with an appropriate lifetime.

As for type generics: RegexRepresentation cannot be implemented for generic types, since the contained associated const is only created once by Rust for all generic instances, meaning that different regexes for different T are not possible. This also means that deriving FromScanf for a struct that wants to match a generic field without a map or default attribute will generally fail. The only possibilities are:

#[sscanf(format = "...{field:/<regex>/}...")]
struct MyGenericStruct<T>
    T: std::str::FromStr + 'static,
    <T as std::str::FromStr>::Err: std::error::Error + 'static,
    field: T,

let input = "...<regex>...";
let res = sscanf::sscanf!(input, "{MyGenericStruct<String>}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(res.field, String::from("<regex>"));

There are two important things in this example:

  1. Since RegexRepresentation cannot be used, every occurrence of generic fields in the format string have to have a regex (`{:/…/}) attached to them.
  2. The type bounds on T have to contain all of those exact bounds.

Any T has to be constructed by FromStr from what is matched by the specified regex, making this setup virtually useless for all but a few selected types. Since the generic parameter has to be specified in the actual sscanf call, it is usually better to just use a concrete type in the struct itself.

It is possible to have T directly require FromScanf like this: T: for<'a> FromScanf<'a>. However, since FromScanf implementations usually rely on capture groups inside of their regex, this would require also having the exact same capture groups in the format string, which is currently not possible. Implementations that don’t rely on capture groups are usually those that were blanket-implemented based on their FromStr implementation.