[][src]Function ssb_validate::par_validate_message_value_hash_chain_of_feed

pub fn par_validate_message_value_hash_chain_of_feed<T: AsRef<[u8]>, U: AsRef<[u8]>>(
    messages: &[T],
    previous: Option<U>
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    [T]: ParallelSlice<T>,
    T: Sync,
    U: Sync + Send + Copy

Batch validates a collection of message values, all by the same author, ordered by ascending sequence number, with no missing messages.

It expects the messages to be the JSON encoded message value of shape: { previous: "", author: "", sequence: ..., timestamp: ..., content: {}, signature: "" }

This will mainly be useful during replication. Collect all the latest messages from a feed you're replicating and batch validate all the messages at once.


use ssb_validate::par_validate_message_value_hash_chain_of_feed;
let valid_message_1 = r##"{
  "previous": null,
  "author": "@U5GvOKP/YUza9k53DSXxT0mk3PIrnyAmessvNfZl5E0=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 1,
  "timestamp": 1470186877575,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "about",
    "about": "@U5GvOKP/YUza9k53DSXxT0mk3PIrnyAmessvNfZl5E0=.ed25519",
    "name": "Piet"
  "signature": "QJKWui3oyK6r5dH13xHkEVFhfMZDTXfK2tW21nyfheFClSf69yYK77Itj1BGcOimZ16pj9u3tMArLUCGSscqCQ==.sig.ed25519"
let valid_message_2 = r##"{
  "previous": "%/v5mCnV/kmnVtnF3zXtD4tbzoEQo4kRq/0d/bgxP1WI=.sha256",
  "author": "@U5GvOKP/YUza9k53DSXxT0mk3PIrnyAmessvNfZl5E0=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 2,
  "timestamp": 1470187292812,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "about",
    "about": "@U5GvOKP/YUza9k53DSXxT0mk3PIrnyAmessvNfZl5E0=.ed25519",
    "image": {
      "link": "&MxwsfZoq7X6oqnEX/TWIlAqd6S+jsUA6T1hqZYdl7RM=.sha256",
      "size": 642763,
      "type": "image/png",
      "width": 512,
      "height": 512
  "signature": "j3C7Us3JDnSUseF4ycRB0dTMs0xC6NAriAFtJWvx2uyz0K4zSj6XL8YA4BVqv+AHgo08+HxXGrpJlZ3ADwNnDw==.sig.ed25519"
 let messages = [valid_message_1.as_bytes(), valid_message_2.as_bytes()];
 // If you're passing `None` as the `previous` argument you'll need to give the compiler a hint about
 // the type.
 let result = par_validate_message_value_hash_chain_of_feed::<_, &[u8]>(&messages, None);