[][src]Function srtp2_sys::srtp_update

pub unsafe extern "C" fn srtp_update(
    session: srtp_t,
    policy: *const srtp_policy_t
) -> srtp_err_status_t

@brief srtp_update() udpates all streams in the session.

The function call srtp_update(session, policy) updates all the streams in the session applying the given policy and key. The exsisting ROC value of all streams will be preserved.

@param session is the SRTP session that contains the streams to be updated.

@param policy is the srtp_policy_t struct that describes the policy for the session. The struct may be a single element, or it may be the head of a list, in which case each element of the list is processed. The final element of the list @b must have its `next' field set to NULL.


  • srtp_err_status_ok if stream creation succeded.
  • srtp_err_status_alloc_fail if stream allocation failed
  • srtp_err_status_init_fail if stream initialization failed.
  • [other] otherwise.