[][src]Function srtp2_sys::srtp_protect_mki

pub unsafe extern "C" fn srtp_protect_mki(
    ctx: *mut srtp_ctx_t,
    rtp_hdr: *mut c_void,
    pkt_octet_len: *mut c_int,
    use_mki: c_uint,
    mki_index: c_uint
) -> srtp_err_status_t

@brief srtp_protect_mki() is the Secure RTP sender-side packet processing function that can utilize MKI.

The function call srtp_protect(ctx, rtp_hdr, len_ptr) applies SRTP protection to the RTP packet rtp_hdr (which has length *len_ptr) using the SRTP context ctx. If srtp_err_status_ok is returned, then rtp_hdr points to the resulting SRTP packet and *len_ptr is the number of octets in that packet; otherwise, no assumptions should be made about the value of either data elements.

The sequence numbers of the RTP packets presented to this function need not be consecutive, but they @b must be out of order by less than 2^15 = 32,768 packets.

@warning This function assumes that it can write the authentication tag into the location in memory immediately following the RTP packet, and assumes that the RTP packet is aligned on a 32-bit boundary.

@warning This function assumes that it can write SRTP_MAX_TRAILER_LEN into the location in memory immediately following the RTP packet. Callers MUST ensure that this much writable memory is available in the buffer that holds the RTP packet.

@param ctx is the SRTP context to use in processing the packet.

@param rtp_hdr is a pointer to the RTP packet (before the call); after the function returns, it points to the srtp packet.

@param pkt_octet_len is a pointer to the length in octets of the complete RTP packet (header and body) before the function call, and of the complete SRTP packet after the call, if srtp_err_status_ok was returned. Otherwise, the value of the data to which it points is undefined.

@param use_mki is a boolean to tell the system if mki is being used. If set to false then will use the first set of session keys. If set to true will use the session keys identified by the mki_index

@param mki_index integer value specifying which set of session keys should be used if use_mki is set to true.


  • srtp_err_status_ok no problems
  • srtp_err_status_replay_fail rtp sequence number was non-increasing
  • @e other failure in cryptographic mechanisms