[][src]Function srtp2_sys::srtp_crypto_policy_set_rtcp_default

pub unsafe extern "C" fn srtp_crypto_policy_set_rtcp_default(
    p: *mut srtp_crypto_policy_t

@brief srtp_crypto_policy_set_rtcp_default() sets a crypto policy structure to the SRTP default policy for RTCP protection.

@param p is a pointer to the policy structure to be set

The function call srtp_crypto_policy_set_rtcp_default(&p) sets the srtp_crypto_policy_t at location p to the SRTP default policy for RTCP protection, as defined in the specification. This function is a convenience that helps to avoid dealing directly with the policy data structure. You are encouraged to initialize policy elements with this function call. Doing so may allow your code to be forward compatible with later versions of libSRTP that include more elements in the srtp_crypto_policy_t datatype.

@return void.