Expand description

Implementation of SRT in pure safe rust.

Generally used for live video streaming across lossy but high bandwidth connections.

Quick start

use srt_tokio::SrtSocket;
use futures::prelude::*;
use bytes::Bytes;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::io;

async fn main()
    let sender_fut = async {
        let mut tx = SrtSocket::builder().listen_on(2223).await?;

        let iter = ["1", "2", "3"];

        tx.send_all(&mut stream::iter(&iter)
            .map(|b| Ok((Instant::now(), Bytes::from(*b))))).await?;

        Ok::<_, io::Error>(())

    let receiver_fut = async {
        let mut rx = SrtSocket::builder().call("", None).await?;

        assert_eq!(rx.try_next().await?.map(|(_i, b)| b), Some(b"1"[..].into()));
        assert_eq!(rx.try_next().await?.map(|(_i, b)| b), Some(b"2"[..].into()));
        assert_eq!(rx.try_next().await?.map(|(_i, b)| b), Some(b"3"[..].into()));
        assert_eq!(rx.try_next().await?, None);

        Ok::<_, io::Error>(())

    futures::try_join!(sender_fut, receiver_fut).unwrap();



SRT provides a powerful set of statistical data on a socket. This data can be used to keep an eye on a socket’s health and track faulty behavior.

Connected SRT connection, generally created with SrtSocketBuilder.