Expand description

This crate provides a high level wraper around the Square API.

Currently in an alpha stage this crate is maintained by Cybersaur as an Open Source Project, aimed to promote the use of Rust.

Usage This crate can be used by added it as a dependency in your

projects Cargo.toml.

square-ox = "0.1.0"


For examples of how this library can be used, see the examples directory in the repository. The examples are a work in progress, although the payments_api example provides a good use case. It can be run with cargo run --example payments_api.


The endpoints of the Square API.

The SquareClient allows the user of the crate to use the Square API in an idiomatic way.

The errors returned by components of the crate.

A non-comprehensive list of the Objects used by the Square API.

This defines the possible responses you could receive from the Square API.