[][src]Module sqlx::pool

Provides the connection pool for asynchronous SQLx connections.

Opening a database connection for each and every operation to the database can quickly become expensive. Furthermore, sharing a database connection between threads and functions can be difficult to express in Rust.

A connection pool is a standard technique that can manage opening and re-using connections. Normally it also enforces a maximum number of connections as these are an expensive resource on the database server.

SQLx provides a canonical connection pool implementation intended to satisfy the majority of use cases.

Opening a connection pool

A new connection pool with a default configuration can be created by supplying Pool with the database driver and a connection string.

ⓘThis example is not tested
use sqlx::Pool;
use sqlx::postgres::Postgres;

let pool = Pool::<Postgres>::connect("postgres://").await?;

For convenience, database-specific type aliases are provided:

ⓘThis example is not tested
use sqlx::mssql::MssqlPool;

let pool = MssqlPool::connect("mssql://").await?;

Using a connection pool

A connection pool implements Executor and can be used directly when executing a query. Notice that only an immutable reference (&Pool) is needed.

ⓘThis example is not tested
sqlx::query("DELETE FROM articles").execute(&pool).await?;

A connection or transaction may also be manually acquired with Pool::acquire or Pool::begin.



An asynchronous pool of SQLx database connections.


A connection managed by a Pool.
