pub fn csmat_binop_dense_raw<'a, Lhs, Rhs, Res, I, Iptr, F>(
    lhs: CsMatViewI<'a, Lhs, I, Iptr>,
    rhs: ArrayView<'a, Rhs, Ix2>,
    binop: F,
    out: ArrayViewMut<'a, Res, Ix2>
    Lhs: 'a + Zero,
    Rhs: 'a + Zero,
    Res: Zero,
    I: 'a + SpIndex,
    Iptr: 'a + SpIndex,
    F: Fn(&Lhs, &Rhs) -> Res,
Expand description

Raw implementation of sparse/dense binary operations with the same ordering


On dimension mismatch

On storage mismatch. The storage for the matrices must either be lhs = CSR with rhs and out with Axis(1) as the fastest dimension, or lhs = CSC with rhs and out with Axis(0) as the fastest dimension,