Crate sprs

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sprs is a sparse linear algebra library for Rust.

It features a sparse matrix type, CsMat, and a sparse vector type, CsVec, both based on the compressed storage scheme.


  • sparse matrix/sparse matrix addition, multiplication.
  • sparse vector/sparse vector addition, dot product.
  • sparse matrix/dense matrix addition, multiplication.
  • sparse triangular solves.
  • powerful iteration over the sparse structure, enabling easy extension of the library.
  • matrix construction using the triplet format, vertical and horizontal stacking, block construction.
  • sparse cholesky solver in the separate crate sprs-ldl.
  • fully generic integer type for the storage of indices, enabling compact representations.
  • planned interoperability with existing sparse solvers such as SuiteSparse.

Quick Examples

Matrix construction:

use sprs::{CsMat, CsVec};
let eye : CsMat<f64> = CsMat::eye(3);
let a = CsMat::new_csc((3, 3),
                       vec![0, 2, 4, 5],
                       vec![0, 1, 0, 2, 2],
                       vec![1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);

Matrix vector multiplication:

use sprs::{CsMat, CsVec};
let eye = CsMat::eye(5);
let x = CsVec::new(5, vec![0, 2, 4], vec![1., 2., 3.]);
let y = &eye * &x;
assert_eq!(x, y);

Matrix matrix multiplication, addition:

use sprs::{CsMat, CsVec};
let eye = CsMat::eye(3);
let a = CsMat::new_csc((3, 3),
                       vec![0, 2, 4, 5],
                       vec![0, 1, 0, 2, 2],
                       vec![1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);
let b = &eye * &a;
assert_eq!(a, b.to_csc());


pub use indexing::SpIndex;
pub use sparse::CompressedStorage::CSC;
pub use sparse::CompressedStorage::CSR;


Fixed size arrays usable for sparse matrices.
Error type for sprs
Serialization and deserialization of sparse matrices


Compressed matrix in the CSR or CSC format, with sorted indices.
A sparse vector, storing the indices of its non-zero data.
Sparse matrix in the triplet format.
An iterator over elements of a sparse matrix, in the triplet format


Describe the storage of a CsMat


A trait for common members of sparse matrices


Assign a sparse matrix into a dense matrix
Specify a sparse matrix by constructing it from blocks of other matrices
Construct a sparse matrix by horizontally stacking other matrices
Construct a sparse matrix by vertically stacking other matrices

Type Definitions

Deprecated type alias, will be removed on next breaking change
The shape of a matrix. This a 2-tuple with the first element indicating the number of rows, and the second element indicating the number of columns.