Function sprs::linalg::trisolve::usolve_csc_dense_rhs[][src]

pub fn usolve_csc_dense_rhs<N, I, Iptr, V>(
    upper_tri_mat: CsMatViewI<'_, N, I, Iptr>,
    rhs: V
) -> Result<(), LinalgError> where
    N: Clone + Num + SubAssign,
    &'r N: Mul<&'r N, Output = N>,
    &'r N: Div<&'r N, Output = N>,
    V: DenseVectorMut<Scalar = N>,
    I: SpIndex,
    Iptr: SpIndex

Solve a sparse upper triangular matrix system, with a csc matrix and a dense vector as inputs

The solve results are written into the provided values.

This method does not require the matrix to actually be lower triangular, but is most efficient if the last element of each column is the diagonal element (thus actual sorted lower triangular matrices work best). Otherwise, logarithmic search for the diagonal element has to be performed for each column.