Crate springtime

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Application framework based on springtime_di dependency injection.

Traditional applications start in the main() function and often explicitly initialize and pass around various domain/application services or other components. With dependency injection in place, all application components can become decoupled and form a dependency graph managed by a DI framework. This, in turn, requires an entrypoint for the application which initializes DI and runs the actual business logic of the application. This crate provides such entrypoint in the form of Application, which also configures additional supporting infrastructure, e.g. logging.

Simple usage example

use springtime::application;
use springtime::runner::{ApplicationRunner, BoxFuture};
use springtime_di::future::FutureExt;
use springtime_di::instance_provider::ErrorPtr;
use springtime_di::{component_alias, Component};

// this is an application runner, which will run when the application starts; the framework will
// automatically discover it using dependency injection
struct HelloWorldRunner;

//noinspection DuplicatedCode
impl ApplicationRunner for HelloWorldRunner {
    // note: BoxFuture is only needed when using the "async" feature
    fn run(&self) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), ErrorPtr>> {
        async {
            println!("Hello world!");

// note: for the sake of simplicity, errors are unwrapped, rather than gracefully handled
async fn main() {
    // create our application, which will detect all runners
    let mut application =
        application::create_default().expect("unable to create default application");

    // prints "Hello world!""error running application");


  • threadsafe - use threadsafe pointers and Send + Sync trait bounds
  • async - turn all run functions async
