Module splr::types

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Module types provides various building blocks, including some common traits.



  • Data storage about a problem.
  • A wrapper structure to make a CNFDescription from a file. To make CNFDescription clone-able, a BufReader should be separated from it. If you want to make a CNFDescription which isn’t connected to a file, just call CNFDescription::default() directly.
  • Misc flags used by Clause.
  • Misc flags used by Var.
  • Literal encoded on u32 as:



  • API for reward based activity management.
  • API for O(n) deletion from a list, providing delete_unstable.
  • API for object properties.
  • API for object instantiation based on Configuration and CNFDescription. This is implemented by all the Splr modules except Configuration and CNFDescription.
  • API for Literal like vi, as_bool, is_none and so on.
  • API for accessing internal data in a module. For example, State::progress needs to access misc parameters and statistics, which, however, should be used locally in the defining modules. To avoid to make them public, we define a generic accessor or exporter here.


  • convert literals to [i32] (for debug).

Type Aliases§

  • Capture a conflict
  • Decision Level Representation.
  • A Return type used by solver functions.
  • Return type of unit propagation
  • ‘Variable’ identifier or ‘variable’ index, starting with one. Implementation note: NonZeroUsize can be used but requires a lot of changes. The current abstraction is incomplete.