Module splr::processor

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Module processor implements a simplifier: clause subsumption and var elimination.

  • private module eliminate provides var elimination
  • private module subsume provides clause subsumption


  use splr::{processor::{self, Eliminator, EliminateIF}, solver::Solver, types::{Instantiate, PropertyDereference}};
  use std::path::Path;

  let mut s = Solver::try_from(Path::new("cnfs/sample.cnf")).expect("failed to load");
  let Solver {
      ref mut asg,
      ref mut cdb,
      ref mut state,
  } = s;
  let mut elim = Eliminator::instantiate(&state.config, &state.cnf);
  elim.simplify(asg, cdb, state, false).expect("panic");
  assert!(!state.config.enable_eliminator || 0 < asg.num_eliminated_vars);



  • API for Eliminator like activate, stop, eliminate and so on.