[][src]Function splinter::rest_api::sessions::validate_token

pub fn validate_token<F>(
    token: &str,
    secret: &str,
    issuer: &str,
    extra_validation: F
) -> Result<(), TokenValidationError> where
    F: Fn(Claims) -> Result<(), TokenValidationError>, 

Deserializes a JWT token, checks that a sigures is valid and checks that the claims are valid. It also and performs the extra validation provided by the caller.


  • token - The serialized token to be validated
  • secret - The secret to be used to validate the token signature
  • issuer - The expected value for the token issuer
  • extra_validation - Closure that performs extra validation, returns Ok(()) if the claims are valid or an error if they are not.
use splinter::rest_api::sessions::{validate_token, TokenValidationError};

let token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.\

validate_token(token, "super_secret", "self-issued", |claims| {
    let custom_claims = claims.custom_claims();
    let is_admin = custom_claims.get("admin").ok_or_else(|| {
        TokenValidationError::InvalidClaim("User is not an admin".to_string())
    match is_admin.as_ref() {
        "true" => Ok(()),
        _ =>  Err(TokenValidationError::InvalidClaim("User is not an admin".to_string()))