spirq-as 0.1.4

SPIR-V assembler
spirq-as-0.1.4 is not a library.

SPIR-Q Assembler


SPIR-Q Assembler (spirq-as) is a SPIR-V assembler written in pure Rust. It is a drop-in replacement of the official assembler spirv-as with the same commandline arguments.


You can install spirq-as from cargo with:

cargo install spirq-as


To assemble SPIR-V binary from SPIR-V assembly, you can either pass the source file path by argument or pipe the code in.

spirq-as [INPUT].spvasm -o [OUTPUT].spv
# - or -
cat [INPUT].spvasm | spirq-as -o [OUTPUT].spv

spirq-as is a CLI tool for end users. You can also integrate the assembler to your application from the library crate spirq-spvasm.


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