Module spirit_tokio::net[][src]

Expand description

Autoconfiguration of network primitives of tokio

Available only with the net feature. This contains several Fragments for configuring network primitives.


Handling limits and errors on listening sockets.

Support for unix domain sockets.


A plumbing type, return value of Accept::accept.

A wrapper that applies configuration to each accepted connection.

A description of listening interface and port.

An implementation of the StreamConfig trait to configure TCP connections.

A configuration fragment of a TCP listening socket.

A configuration fragment describing a bound UDP socket.


Configuration that can be unset, explicitly turned off or set to a duration.


Abstraction over endpoints that accept connections.

Abstracts over a configuration subfragment that applies further settings to an already accepted stream.

Type Definitions

A TcpListen with all parameters set to Empty.

Convenience type alias for configuration fragment for TCP listening socket with handling of accept errors and limiting number of current connections.