[][src]Function spice_sys::illumg_c

pub unsafe extern "C" fn illumg_c(
    method: *const c_char,
    target: *const c_char,
    ilusrc: *const c_char,
    et: c_double,
    fixref: *const c_char,
    abcorr: *const c_char,
    obsrvr: *const c_char,
    spoint: *const c_double,
    trgepc: *mut c_double,
    srfvec: *mut c_double,
    phase: *mut c_double,
    incdnc: *mut c_double,
    emissn: *mut c_double

computes the illumination angles at a specified surface point of a target body, modeled as an ellipsoid or a digital shape (DSK), as seen from an observer body, illuminated by a user specified body.